Maryland Assessment Research Center (MARC)

2012 MARC Conference

The Twelfth Annual Maryland Assessment Conference:

Value Added Modeling and Growth Modeling with Particular Application to Teacher and School Effectiveness


Presentation Schedule and PPT Slides (Click presentation title for PPT, if available)

Thursday, October 18

7:00-8:30Registration and Breakfast
8:30-8:45Robert W. Lissitz
8:45-9:45J. R. Lockwood
9:45-10:45Derek Briggs
& Ben Domingue

(University of Colorado)
11:00-12:00Andrew Ho
(Harvard University)
1:00-2:00Mark Ehlert,
Cory Koedel,
Eric Parsons,  &
Michael Podgursky

(University of Missouri)
2:00-3:00Damian Betebenner
3:15-4:15Joseph Martineau & Ji Zeng
(Michigan Department of Education)
4:15-5:15Robert Meyer
(University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Friday, October 19

7:30-8:45Registration and Breakfast
8:45-9:45Hong Jiao and Robert W. Lissitz
9:45-10:45Daniel F. McCaffrey, Bing Han,
& J.R. Lockwood

11:00-12:00Mark D. Reckase
(Michigan State University)
1:00-2:00Yeow Meng Thum (Northwest Evaluation Association)
2:00-3:00S Paul Wright
3:00-3:30Closing Remarks