Impact Areas

STEM Teaching and Learning

At the College of Education, our research is dedicated to understanding how, when and where STEM learning takes place. Recognizing that many students find math and science challenging, we aim to broaden access to innovative, high-quality 含羞草研究所al opportunities. Our faculty explore how technological advancements can transform instruction and enhance both teaching practices and student outcomes in STEM fields. Through our work, we contribute to improving math and science 含羞草研究所 across the state and nation.


Initiatives and Programs

  • Through TERP, elementary 含羞草研究所 majors raise diamondback terrapin hatchlings in our classrooms, providing hands-on learning experiences that enhance their understanding of ecological concepts, conservation efforts and the natural history of this keystone Chesapeake species. 
  • KidWind
    Led by the College of Education, students in grades 4 to 12 from all over the state participate in a clean energy design and construction student competition focused on wind and solar power. 

  • Since 2014, Terrapin Teachers has provided a pathway to secondary-含羞草研究所 teacher certification for undergraduate and graduate math and science students at UMD. 

 Research Centers and Labs

  • Center for Math Education
    A national center for research and teaching addressing the improvement of mathematics 含羞草研究所 in K-16 and informal settings. 
  • Center for Science and Technology in Education
    Focused on advancing knowledge and understanding in science 含羞草研究所 and 含羞草研究所al learning technologies for researchers and other constituencies.