Graduate Studies Student Services Office

Below are forms which will assist you as you advance through your program as a graduate student in the College of Education. Some forms are published by the College of Education, and others are published by the Graduate School, Graduate Student Services Office. When searching for a particular form, be sure to check out both sections within this document.

Step-by-Step Toward Graduation

Important Dates for Graduating Students

Forms Published by the College of Education:

(Link to Graduate School forms)

A form that documents by signature of the advisor, the completion of the A.G.S. requirements.
(Link to Graduate School forms)

Students completing a graduate certificate must file a Certificate of Completion Form by the published deadline in the semester in which the student intends to earn the Certificate award.

Advisor Change (pdf)

Form used to request a advisor change.


A form that is used to request a Graduation Audit. All students should request an audit of their progress toward graduation, prior to the deadlines of the semester in which they intend to graduate. The Audit will list the College and Graduate School graduation requirements, provide you with the necessary administrative forms and deadlines by which items are due. Students are encouraged to meet with advisors to be sure the required coursework has been completed, and to be sure that all department requirements are being met. You may print the form and submit it to the College Graduate Studies Office, room 1204 Benjamin Building, or you may request a Graduation Audit by e-mail.

Deans Representative Role Form (pdf) To be submitted with Nomination of Committee Form

A form that will be required with the submission of the Nomination of Committee form.

Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (pdf)

A form that will be signed by all committee members approving the proposed dissertation study. The advisor and the student should discuss who should serve as members of the committee. It is not necessary to seek official approval (by the Department, College or Graduate School) of the committee members prior to the proposal meeting. (However, please note that another similar committee form is required prior to the FINAL oral defense, that must have official approval by the Department, College, and Graduate School.)

Note: students should also be sure to submit the with the proposal form if it was not submitted previously. The form requires answers to several questions, an explanation of the study, copies of consent forms, etc. that need to be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board to ensure compliance with study requirements that may involve human subjects. Therefore, the student should request the form in enough time to complete it for submission and this review process, either prior to or at the proposal.

Degree Change (pdf)

A form that is used to request a change of the original degree option to which you were admitted. For example, if you were admitted to the M.A. degree status but wish to change the degree option from the M.A. to the M.Ed., you would need to submit this form for approval. Please note that if a Master's Approved Program Form (MAPF) was submitted under the original degree option, the MAPF will need to be revised and resubmitted to reflect the requirements of the new degree option. The same would apply to revising a Doctoral Program form, if a degree change is made at the doctoral level.

Doctoral Approved Program Form (pdf)

A form that is used to list all of the coursework that is required for the doctoral degree, and a cover sheet for the required signatures. This form becomes the official documentation of the degree being earned and acts as a contract of coursework requirements between the student and the advisor, the Department, and the College. Students in the EDMS Department are required to take, pass and have the results of the preliminary examination on file with the College Graduate Studies Office (or letter of waiver of the preliminary examination requirement from EDMS) prior to submitting the Doctoral Program form.

Exit Survey, College of Education

The College of Education will request graduates to file an exit survey.  In the semester of graduation, graduates will receive, by e-mail, instructions and passwords in order to file the survey on-line. This survey information is used to determine how 含羞草研究所 programs can be improved. Your participation in the survey is important to the College as it enables us to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, this survey gives you the opportunity to assess your professional competence and to evaluate the 含羞草研究所's performance in preparing this important endeavor.


A form that is used to request the review of previous coursework that may be equivalent to the required EDMS coursework. Support documentation is required in addition to the form, and must be reviewed by the Department of Measurement, Statistics and Evaluation (EDMS). EDMS coursework is only waived based on the approval of an equivalency review by the EDMS faculty. Advisors and programs have the right to deny a request for an equivalency review.

Comprehensive Examination Application

Students should check with their program/department for applications, processes, and deadlines.

 Foundational Competencies Policy/MCEE

All graduate students who are in an approved program leading to initial teacher certification, or advanced certification, in professional preparation programs are expected to demonstrate that they are prepared to work with children and youth in 含羞草研究所al settings. This preparation results from the combination of successful completion of university coursework and field/internship experiences and the demonstration of important human characteristics and dispositions that all educators should possess. For a complete description of these standards.

Graduate Studies Registration/Adjustment Petition (pdf)

A form that is used to request permission to register past the deadline, or to change your schedule for the current semester. Any requests for a late registration or adjustment of coursework for a previous semester is considered "historic", and must receive the approval of the Graduate School. For historic requests, students must submit a different form titled , which is published by the Graduate School.

Oral Announcement (pdf)

A form that is used to announce the date and meeting place of a doctoral student's final oral defense of the dissertation. This form is submitted to the program to which the student is admitted. Departments are responsible for publicizing the defense date among the faculty and students in the Department.

 Progress to Degree for the Doctoral Degree: Expectations for Completion (pdf)

A document that outlines the minimum satisfactory progress requirements set by the College of Education for the master鈥檚 degree.

 Progress to Degree for the Master鈥檚 Degree: Expectations for Completion (pdf)

A document that outlines the minimum satisfactory progress requirements set by
the College of Education for the doctoral degree.

 Provisional Removal (pdf)

This form is in a memorandum format that advisors may use in order to remove a provisional admission condition for a student, once the provisional condition has been met. Advisors may also create their own memorandum for removal of a provisional condition if they choose.

 Seminar Paper Title Page Format (pdf)

A form which outlines how the title page of the seminar paper should be formatted.

Forms Published by the graduate school, graduate student services office:

Application for Admission to Candidacy (pdf)

A form that is used to apply for Admission to Candidacy by doctoral level students. Advancement to Candidacy indicates that the student has completed all basic course requirements for the degree and is now ready to begin the dissertation study stage. Students in the College of Education may not apply for candidacy until they have passed the preliminary examination (if required), have the Doctoral Program form on file with the Graduate Studies Office, and have passed the required doctoral comprehensive examination. Students have five years from the date of their admission until they are expected to advance to candidacy. Students must be advanced to candidacy 6 months prior to graduation. A student who has been advanced to candidacy must maintain continuous registration, which means that s/he must be registered every spring and fall semester (summer registration is optional unless campus services are being used, or graduating in summer) until the degree is earned.

Approved Program Form for the Master's of (Education or Master's of Arts) (MAPF) (pdf)

A form that is used to list coursework that is required for the master's degree being pursued. This form becomes the official documentation, and acts as a contract of coursework requirements, between the student and the advisor, the Department, the College, and the Graduate School. The MAPF form is part of the requirements for graduation and must be submitted by the announced deadline in the semester in which the student intends to graduate.

 Combined Bachelor's / Master's Form

A form that is used by students in programs that have approval to take graduate courses, while in their undergraduate program. The form is submitted to request the inclusion of the undergraduate coursework into the graduate cumulative credit average, after admission to the graduate program.

 Certification of Master's Degree Without Thesis

Students in the College of Education are not responsible for submitting this form. The College Graduate Studies Office electronically produces this form when all requirements have been met, and then obtains the advisor's signature. The Certification of Master's Degree Without Thesis form is submitted from the College Graduate Studies Office directly to the Graduate School, Graduate Student Services Office and indicates that the student has completed all College requirements for the degree being earned.

 Dual Degree Form

A form that must be filed with the College of Education's Doctoral Approved Program form, and the Master's Approved Program form. All three forms should be submitted as one package for review and approval.


A number of fellowship and financial forms are available from the Graduate School website.

Certification of Finances Form
Credit Card Payment Form
Emergency Loan Request
Goldhaber Travel Award Application
Health Insurance Reimbursement Request
Non-Resident Alien Fellow Payroll Packet
Overload Payments for Graduate Students
Residency Information Form
Sample Appointment Letter for Graduate Assistants
Sample Appointment Letter for Graduate Fellows
Tuition Remission for External Fellowships
Training Grant Tuition Remission

 Graduate Credit Permission Form

A form that is used by undergraduate students who want to take graduate level courses. Regulations are listed on the form itself.

 Graduate School Incomplete Contract

A form that is required to be completed if a student is to be awarded an incomplete grade in courses numbered 600 level and above (excluding 799 thesis credit, and 899 dissertation credit). The incomplete contract documents what work must be completed to remove the mark of "I". Normally students are expected to complete course work by a date 12 months from the beginning of the semester term of initial enrollment in the course. Incomplete contracts are housed in the student's department. Incomplete contracts for graduate courses numbered at the 400 level are completed through the University electronic grading system (UMEGS), when the professor submits the "I" grade electronically.

At the University, all research that involves the use of human subjects requires review and approval by the Institutional Review Board prior to the initiation of the research. Researchers should review the for regulations and application forms.

is required for all researchers as a condition of IRB approval

Forms used by international students are available from the Office of International Affairs web site.  International students who are on an F-1 visa, must file the F-1 Exit Plan Form before or during the final semester of graduation.

Nomination of Thesis or Dissertation Committee

A form that is used to request the formal appointment of the committee to which the student defends their final thesis or dissertation. This form must be submitted by the deadline in the semester in which the student intends to graduate, or six weeks prior to the final oral defense, whichever is sooner to the College Graduate Studies Office. An oral defense may not be held without the formal approval of the committee by the Graduate School. Committee construction must meet the Graduate School criteria. All members of the committee must be in physical attendance of the oral defense unless permission is granted for one member of the doctoral committee. Along with this form, students will also need to complete the Deans Representative Role Form, required by the College of Education.

After approval of the Nomination of Thesis or Dissertation Committee, the Graduate School will produce and provide to the College Graduate Studies Office, additional forms titled the "Report of the Examining Committee" and the "Interim Report of the Examining Committee". The advisor will be notified when these forms are available.

The Report of the Examining Committee form is used at the oral defense as the official signature form by the committee members to show its final approval of the defense. (This form is not available to the student in a printable format.) The chair typically holds the Report of the Examining Committee form after the defense has taken place, until all revisions are made to the thesis or dissertation. When revisions are approved and all members have signed, the report form is submitted by the department to the College Graduate Studies Office, in room 1204 Benjamin Building for its endorsement prior to submission to the Graduate School.

The "Interim Report of the Examining Committee" form should be filed immediately following the final defense, and should not be confused with the form titled "Report of the Examining Committee". The Interim Report of the Examining Committee form is used to report the outcome of the defense, and to report the action(s) that need to be taken by the student, in order to submit a final dissertation document. Whereas, the "Report of the Examining Committee" form is the final official report, acts as the official signature sheet, and documents approval ("pass") of the oral defense by all members of the committee.

Nomination to the Graduate Faculty Form

A form that is used to nominate an individual as a member of the graduate faculty at the 含羞草研究所. Often students have individuals whom they would like to serve on their thesis or dissertation defense committee who are not affiliated with the 含羞草研究所. In order to have that individual approved to serve on a defense committee, the person must be nominated to serve as a 鈥淪pecial Member鈥 of the Graduate Faculty. Usually the person serves in that capacity under the home department that the student resides in. In order to have an individual reviewed for 鈥淪pecial Membership鈥 this form must be filed, and supported by a curricula vita from the nominee, and a letter of support from the Program Director of Graduate Studies (DGS). It is usually recommended that the student develop a draft support letter explaining the justification as to why the individual should serve on the student's committee at the 含羞草研究所. The Nomination to the Graduate Faculty form, the curricula vita, and draft support letter are to be submitted to the department chairperson, or DGS, for approval. The department forwards the package directly to the Graduate Studies Office in Education who routes it to the Graduate School for final approval. Special membership is valid for 5 years. This membership is also used for professors who resigned from the 含羞草研究所 (after 1 year from their resignation date).

Petition for Regulation Waiver (pdf)

A form that is used to request an exception to policy. The types of appeals that would be appropriate to request by use of this form are retro-active registration or adjustments to course work for historic semesters, retro-active Admission to Candidacy, mandatory fees waiver, or to request the acceptance of the various forms required for graduation submitted after the published deadlines. Petitions require justification, documentation, and approval by the instructor, advisor, department, and College. Favorable decisions are granted for extenuating circumstances only. (Late registration or adjustment to course work for a current semester appeal are reviewed by submitting the Graduate Studies Registration/Adjustment Petition form).

Petition for Residency Classification Form

A link is provided to the Residency Classification Office web site that describes the in-state and out-of-state policies on student classification, the petition process, and a variety of forms.

Petition for Waiver of Continuous Registration

All students are required to maintain continuous registration (excluding summer unless graduating). This form is used to request a waiver of the continuous registration requirement for master鈥檚 and pre-candidacy doctoral students. Students who will be away from the campus for a full semester or year may request one waiver of continuous registration (and its associated tuition) for up to 2 semesters. Waivers of registration shall be granted only if the student is making satisfactory progress and can complete the degree requirements within the required time limits; such waivers do not alter the student鈥檚 time to degree clock.

Request for Leave of Absence

Graduate School policy states that, 鈥淪tudents may request a leave of absence of up to 2 consecutive semesters for any of the following reasons: childbearing, adoption, illness, dependent care (children, partners, parents), and other circumstances outside of their control. This leave stops the time to degree clock鈥 and does not require candidacy registration. Leaves of absences must be approved by the students鈥 Program Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), the College of Education, and the Graduate School.

Request for Time Extension

A form that is used to request an extension of time beyond the period that is permitted to complete degree requirements. Extension requests require support documentation to include; a reason for the request and any special circumstances, a plan of action in time-table format, and a letter of support from the Program Director of Graduate Studies (DGS).

Request for Transfer or Inclusion of Credit for the Master's Degree

A form that is used to request that specific course work be transferred or included as part of a student's master's degree requirements. Course work may be from an outside institution or from the 含羞草研究所, earned either under the Advanced Special Student status or from another department on campus (in cases where a student has changed admission from one department to another).

Surveys are required by the for all doctoral students in their final semester. These survey forms are due on the same date as the dissertation submission deadline.

Theses and Dissertation, Pro-Quest/UM Submission Agreement (For CD Thesis/Dissertation Submissions

Students completing theses or dissertations must submit their documents electronically through a company called 鈥淧roQuest鈥.  These documents provide information regarding your agreement to publish your master鈥檚 thesis or doctoral dissertation through ProQuest.  Follow the .

Thesis / Dissertation Electronic Publication Form

A form that is required by the Graduate School for thesis option master's students, and doctoral students in their final semester. The form is completed in conjunction with the electronic submission of the thesis or dissertation. The form indicates one of four options that the student can choose in regard to the availability of access to the thesis or dissertation through DRUM (Digital Repository at the 含羞草研究所). The form also includes in depth information regarding access, publication, and patent issues. The electronic publication form is due on the same date as the thesis or dissertation submission deadline, and is to be submitted with the required "Report of the Examining Committee" form.

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